Taylor Hayes Taylor Hayes

Back to Quiet

Dear reader,

The Instagram and Facebook outage yesterday revealed to me just how much I turn to those platforms during the day. In a moment when I was trying to avoid something difficult or mundane, I would try to open one or the other (of course to no avail, which is actually a blessing). I’m coming to realize how much noise I try to fill my day with: always something playing in the background, always jumping to the next thing, filling my time with stuff and nonsense so I don’t have to face a moment of silence and solitude. We are all looking to distract ourselves, and Instagram has been a huge distraction for me in the last few months. It’s a great platform and it’s allowed me to expand my market to reach those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to find my work, but it’s also full of so much noise and negativity.

Its been said that comparison is the thief of joy, and this has become so prevalent in my life. There’s always someone further along, there’s always someone who is during more than me, there is always someone who has an image of “success” that I haven’t obtained. I’ve allowed this to bog me down in my journey as an artist and entrepreneur because I feel like I should be somewhere else instead of where I’m currently at in my work and in my business. I’ve been looking so far ahead that I haven’t taken a moment to sit and appreciate what I have already achieved. I’ve developed my style into something that I love and that I can be proud of. I’ve seen the joy that my work brings to others, and I’ve successfully made sales.

We are all on a journey, either personally or professionally, and we all face the evil of comparison. The key to joy is to only compare to yourself, to who you’ve been and how far you’ve come. Be proud of the achievements you’ve made, because I know its been long and its been hard, but I also know that its been worth it.

All my love,


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Taylor Hayes Taylor Hayes

Little Moments

As I sit here, before 7:00 AM in the morning, I’m struck by an immense sense of gratefulness for this time and moment of my life. What a great gift to be able to wake up early and dedicate time to painting and prayer. The reading at Mass yesterday was a great reflection of this (1 Cor 7:23-35). This passage of the Bible is advice to virgins and widows (in other word, single women), and talks about married persons being struck with the worries of the world and family life, while those who are unmarried are filled with the will of God and are anxious to do His will. This can be troublesome, especially for those who are married. It sounds as if St. Paul in condemning marriage as something not-of-God, however his purpose is to elevate the season of waiting as a blessing and a time to commit to God. If I were married at this time in my life, I wouldn’t have as much time to paint, to write, or to study God’s word and to grow in relationship with Him and His son.

For too long I’ve been struck with despair over the desire of my heart, and even now fear in acknowledging that and being so vulnerable, but now I’m being filled with Joy and understanding because I’ve been given this time to strengthen my foundation in faith. God is so good, He has blessed me with a passion for art and beauty and has given me time to build my business and share my talent with the world. In this, my art will always be a reflection of God’s love in the world and the beauty He has created for us. Remember that no matter what season you’re in, that there is a purpose and meaning behind it. Be patient and know that you are loved and that God has great things planned for you. You are meant to share your beauty with the world.



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